Emma Healey I love writing dialogue – it’s when I really lose myself in my work. I love reading it, too, when it’s good and rings true. – Emma Healey Dialogue Quotes Lose Quotes Love Quotes Reading Quotes Rings Quotes TRUE Quotes Writing Quotes I used to say I wasn’t interested in writing about characters. The characters in a novel are made up, figments of the writer’s imagination. I’m sure this won’t come as a surprise to anyone, and it’s not surprising to me either, but knowing this, feeling this, definitely made writing my second book harder.
Jason Johnson In our highly-focused, micro-targeted, ultra-specific campaign environment of 2020, everyone is looking for that critical swing voter. Those mysterious voters who may tip the scales in favor of Vice President Joe Biden or Donald Trump. – Jason Johnson
Lars Peter Hansen I view the work I’ve done related to statistics and economics as, roughly speaking, how to do something without having to do everything. – Lars Peter Hansen
Caroline Knapp The clothes are different: pre-dog, I used to be very finicky and self-conscious about how I looked; now I schlep around in the worst clothing – big heavy boots, baggy old sweaters, a hooded down parka from L.L. Bean that makes me look like an astronaut. – Caroline Knapp
AttitudeMadeleine M Kunin To make flexibility work, it is not only necessary to change our attitude about who is a good worker and who is not, but we have to train managers at all levels to recognize the difference between the number of hours worked and the quality of work produced. – Madeleine M Kunin
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