Nadine Coyle I loved being in the group, and some of the things that we were able to do were amazing. – Nadine Coyle Amazing Quotes Loved Quotes I mean, I didn’t feel, as part of Girls Aloud, that my opinion wasn’t heard, or they went and did certain things and I had no say, or we had no say. I don’t mind being asked anything! Not at all. I tell you what is annoying, is when you say something and somebody writes something that’s completely different to what you said, and you’re like, ‘well that’s not nice, because that’s not what happened.’
CoolSaul Williams Hip-hop is still cool at a party. But to me, hip-hop has never been strictly a party; it is also there to elevate consciousness. – Saul Williams
Ben Affleck The trap for an actor is that you become too successful at what you’re trying to do, and you can find yourself stuck there. – Ben Affleck
Debbie Reynolds I had a normal life; we didn’t meet movie stars. We lived in Texas where you had rollerskates, and if you got a bicycle, that was a very big gift. – Debbie Reynolds
P T Usha There will be no one like me in the history of Olympics, someone who competed in an Olympic final with one international meet. – P T Usha
Ari Shaffir Marc Maron yells at people. I have a memory of him yelling at Jonah Ray from offstage about something he was saying, just fun stuff. – Ari Shaffir
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