Sven-Goran Eriksson I loved managing England more than anything but there were times during those five years when I thought, ‘Why did I leave Italy?’ because you are criticised so much. – Sven-Goran Eriksson Criticised Quotes England Quotes Italy Quotes Leave Quotes Loved Quotes Managing Quotes Times Quotes In Italy, so long as you are not criminal, they couldn’t care less about your private life. It’s when you lose a football match that they criticise you – a lot. The treatment of Wayne Rooney told me something about the way England fans view the national team.
Robbie Fowler I was a boy, suddenly treated like the men and expected to act like them. – Robbie Fowler
Gus Grissom I suppose I built my share of model airplanes, but I can’t remember that I was a flying fanatic. – Gus Grissom
Ken Shamrock You want to talk about somebody that has changed the face of wrestling because of them being in it, I think it’s pretty clear I did that. – Ken Shamrock
Huma Qureshi All this is expected from girls only – wear makeup and look beautiful. My guy friends don’t always have to do their hair and makeup. – Huma Qureshi
Marion Ross The great classics that, as a professional you don’t get to do, you do as a student, when you don’t know any better. – Marion Ross
Dan Smith There are so many different points to ‘Wild World,’ and it sounds quite different to what people would expect from us. – Dan Smith
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