Adam Cole I loved working with Jim Cornette. – Adam Cole Cornette Quotes Jim Quotes Loved Quotes You don’t make a statement unless you make noise. I look at a guy like Velveteen Dream who has only been wrestling for a couple of years, and he’s just filled with charisma, filled with talent.
Ace Frehley Finding a good band is Iike finding a good wife. You got to keep trying till you find the right one. – Ace Frehley
PoliticsTsai Ing-wen Gender used to be a barrier for women to overcome if they wanted to be in politics, but today in Taiwan the situation is somewhat different. I think there is even a preference for a woman candidate, and in local elections, we have seen that younger, better-educated female candidates are overwhelmingly preferred by the voters. – Tsai Ing-wen
Hozier Growing up, I always saw the hypocrisy of the Catholic church. The history speaks for itself, and I grew incredibly frustrated and angry. I essentially just put that into my words. – Hozier
Bear McCreary Sometimes the entire tone of an episode can be reshaped in directing or editing or acting. – Bear McCreary
Josh Radnor We’re like a gardener with a hose and our attention is water – we can water flowers or we can water weeds. – Josh Radnor
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