Joseph Morgan I loved working with Mickey Rourke. He’s a wonderful kind of crazy. – Joseph Morgan Crazy Quotes Loved Quotes Mickey Quotes Rourke Quotes Wonderful Quotes I loved working with Mickey Rourke. He’s a wonderful kind of crazy. I loved Zack Snyder’s ‘Dawn of the Dead’ and ’28 Days Later’ and ’28 Weeks Later.’ I would love to be involved with a film that shows the breakdown of society and a small group of survivors in a world that has crumbled. That’s something I would like to explore.
Diane LaneNatureTime All the lessons are in nature. You look at the way rocks are formed – the wind and the water hitting them, shaping them, making them what they are. Things take time, you know? – Diane Lane
Laurence FishburneRomantic When I think of Othello, I think of a poet-warrior. Let me say that again – a romantic warrior. And I think I have those qualities in common with him. – Laurence Fishburne
Elliot Richardson The Watergate reforms did work well for many years, and if improved and broadened, these reforms can have real and major impact on the system today. – Elliot Richardson
Jane Greer I didn’t want the children to grow up and, when asked what their mother did, say, ‘Oh, Mom’s a gun moll in the movies.’ – Jane Greer
Carles PuigdemontIndependence We’re seeing a reaction – and people taking to the streets with pots and pans – in areas where the independence movement isn’t supposed to exist. People have to choose between one model and another. Everyone in Catalonia has realised that not taking part means ratifying the politics of repression of the Spanish government. – Carles Puigdemont
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