John Waite I mean, I hate to say it, but I listen to Journey and think, ‘Jesus Christ, that is just wrong.’ That’s why there will never be a Bad English reunion. It’s for super white people listening to super white music. – John Waite Bad Quotes Christ Quotes English Quotes Hate Quotes Jesus Quotes Journey Quotes Listen Quotes Listening Quotes Music Quotes People Quotes Reunion Quotes Super Quotes White Quotes Wrong Quotes So much of your life is wrapped up in the songs. All the twists come back, and you go back to that place when you were singing it. It’s like reading your own diary and being in a time machine. There’s a lot of compromises, but that’s what a great record should be, really.
Richard C Armitage I think if I had come out of drama school and been an instant Hollywood superstar, I would be taking long, leisurely holidays. – Richard C Armitage
Liane Moriarty I love hearing other people’s stories, and I freely admit I’m scavenging for material through their conversations, but really, at the same time, I’m living an ordinary life. – Liane Moriarty
John Barrow One moment you appear to be riding the crest of a wave, only to have the rug pulled away from you, bringing you back down to earth with a sickening thud. – John Barrow
Lothar Matthaus All my family worked for Puma. My mother worked there, and my father was the guy that opened and closed up in the evening. We lived in the neighbouring building – just a couple of steps, and I would be in the Puma factory. All 300 people that worked there knew me; it was my adventure playground. I knew everything, even how to make a shoe sole. – Lothar Matthaus
PatienceTracy Letts I don’t believe moviegoers don’t have patience. Screenwriters are told a scene can’t be longer than three minutes, that you have to cut to the chase. Not true! – Tracy Letts
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