Lalla Ward I mean, I was first offered Princess Astra. – Lalla Ward Astra Quotes Offered Quotes Princess Quotes I think Douglas was a real one-off. He was so clever and so intelligent and so well read in real science that he could make science fiction work as well as it did. And just such fun to have around, he was just such a lovely man. I like that totally mixed up kind of eclectic group of personal props and bits of costume and I think the fun of doing that is where I was very lucky with Doctor Who.
Carmen Yulin Cruz When someone is bothered by someone claiming lack of drinking water, lack of medicine for the sick, and lack of food for the hungry, that person has problems too deep to be explained in an interview. – Carmen Yulin Cruz
Lewis Gordon Pugh The human body is not designed for swimming in minus 1.7 degree centigrade water. – Lewis Gordon Pugh
James Tupper People ask me all the time, ‘Are you intimidated, working with strong women?’ I’m like, ‘No, I’m thrilled. I’m a strong dude. I’m thrilled to work with someone who knows what the heck they’re doing, and brings a lot of cool, fun stuff to play with.’ – James Tupper
Burt Bacharach I was blown away by the standing ovation. I’ve had tributes before, sure, but I don’t retain that feeling, and I wasn’t prepared for it on Tuesday. But maybe you shouldn’t retain these things or you’d be on a permanent high. – Burt Bacharach
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