Brande Roderick I mean if someone you know pushes a button you’re gonna strike back out. – Brande Roderick Button Quotes Gonna Quotes Pushes Quotes Strike Quotes There’s a reason why Hasselhoff was in a suit for twelve years, and there’s a reason why Donald still has his hair that way. I’m tellin’ ya. They’re both sexy. You still should enjoy the beach and going outside. Having a good time at the beach can still include being smart about protecting your skin because getting burned is no fun at all.
Brad StoneLearning There’s a new set of transformative technologies such as machine learning, AI, and virtual reality that will spawn another set of big tech franchises. But in terms of cultural impact, perhaps we are at peak Valley. – Brad Stone
FamilyJulie Plec You can love and hate your family with equal measure, but the power of the bond you have to have with them, you can’t really ever walk away. – Julie Plec
Gerard Butler I started singing for The Phantom in January, and we started filming in October and I sang all the way through to the next June. In fact, I was singing for about two months before I even knew I had the role. – Gerard Butler
Marilyn vos Savant Be able to recognize when you’re reading or hearing material biased to your own side. – Marilyn vos Savant
Mary Tyler Moore I live in a kind of controlled awareness. I wouldn’t call it fear, but it’s an awareness. I know I have a responsibility to behave in a certain way. I’m able to do that. – Mary Tyler Moore
George Perez To clarify the facts to everyone, yes, I did have a heart attack. I was on a plane leaving from Los Angeles, CA, heading to Secaucus, NJ, for a comic convention when I started to feel some discomfort in my chest. – George Perez
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