Major Taylor I might go on discussing this subject at great length, but after all is said, done, and written, my own book of experiences will best show what these obstacles are, and how I managed to overcome them to some extent. – Major Taylor Book Quotes Discussing Quotes Experiences Quotes Extent Quotes Managed Quotes Obstacles Quotes Overcome Quotes Subject Quotes Written Quotes Realizing full well that fine condition and confidence will not in themselves make a champion, it is my belief, however, that they are essential factors. I have also noticed that when a rider who had confidence in his ability was defeated, after doing his level best to win, always received an ovation from the gathering.
Ricardo Semler The purpose of work is to make the worker – whether a working stiff or a CEO – feel good about life. – Ricardo Semler
Sonja Morgan I like to see the best in everyone but not everyone wants the best for me. – Sonja Morgan
Paul Harvey What is a policeman made of? He, of all men, is once the most needed and the most unwanted. He’s a strangely nameless creature who is ‘Sir’ to his face and ‘Fuzz’ to his back. – Paul Harvey
Karla Crome I briefly flirted with the idea of more stable career choices but they never excited me. I know it’s a bit of a cliche but I remember doing school plays in primary school and feeling at home on the stage. – Karla Crome
Camille Claudel You know what black hatred women feel toward me as soon as they see me, until I return inside my shell, they use every possible weapon. As soon as a generous man tries to help me out, a woman is here to hold his arm and prevent him from acting. – Camille Claudel
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