Kenny Baker I miss being able to play my instruments – I’m too much of a physical wreck these days. Playing the vibraphone gives me backache, leg ache, and everything-else ache, and the asthma means I no longer have enough puff to play harmonica. – Kenny Baker Ache Quotes Asthma Quotes Backache Quotes Days Quotes Everythingelse Quotes Harmonica Quotes Instruments Quotes Leg Quotes Physical Quotes Play Quotes Playing Quotes Puff Quotes Vibraphone Quotes Wreck Quotes Everything went wrong for me in the 1990s. I used to tour the theatres and clubs with an 18-foot luxury caravan strapped to the back of my Roller – it was a damn site more comfortable than most hotels.
Jonathan Pryce As a child, play, drawing, and painting were important to me – they still are. – Jonathan Pryce
Asif Kapadia The thing people don’t get about Indian films is that the songs are the story. – Asif Kapadia
Lindsey Graham If ‘Obama-care’ becomes fully implemented in 2014, it’s going to bankrupt states. – Lindsey Graham
DietSuzanne Somers I started dieting. I dieted, dieted, dieted and tried all the diets and I would lose and then I would go back to normal eating and would put it on and then some. – Suzanne Somers
Ibrahim Hooper One has to wonder what Donald Trump will say next as he ramps up his anti-Muslim bigotry. Where is there left for him to go? Are we talking internment camps? Are we talking the final solution to the Muslim question? I feel like I’m back in the 1930s. – Ibrahim Hooper
Anthony Russo We like films that make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, scare you, whatever. – Anthony Russo
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