Johannes Kepler I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses. – Johannes Kepler Approval Quotes Criticism Quotes Intelligent Quotes Masses Quotes Prefer Quotes Sharpest Quotes Single Quotes Thoughtless Quotes I demonstrate by means of philosophy that the earth is round, and is inhabited on all sides; that it is insignificantly small, and is borne through the stars. Truth is the daughter of time, and I feel no shame in being her midwife.
Cynthia Nixon I go for my completely routine mammogram and then I get a call from my gynecologist. And she says, ‘Well, I have some – it’s not such great news, but here it is, but it’s very small and we’re just going to get in there and take it right out, right away, and then you’ll probably have radiation.’ – Cynthia Nixon
Steve Nash In the preseason, in the month of October, I work out almost every day, lifting weights for 20 or 30 minutes, and then during the season I usually lift weights twice a week, sometimes a little more. – Steve Nash
Richard Herring It is rare for a joke to emerge fully formed and it is worth grafting away until it is absolutely right. Though perversely too much work, too much thought, can destroy a gag completely. – Richard Herring
Rick Famuyiwa Gangs are a part of living in Los Angeles, but you can exist in Inglewood or Culver City or anywhere else, without joining one. – Rick Famuyiwa
Omarion I’ve never done a lot of collaborations. Truthfully, artists most of the time are so busy, they never get a chance to get in the studio and be personal with a record. – Omarion
Nani My career wasn’t planned, never had any targets. I just go by my instincts, and I think I am doing good work. – Nani
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