Carol Berg I never believed I could write anything. No way – write a whole story? Figuring out all that plotting and symbolism? How do you foreshadow things? – Carol Berg Believed Quotes Figuring Quotes Foreshadow Quotes Plotting Quotes Story Quotes Symbolism Quotes Write Quotes One of the things that put me off writing for a while was that piece of advice everybody gives new writers: ‘Write what you know.’ Nobody would ever want to read about my boring life! But I do know a lot of things about different societies’ cultures and mythologies. The way people were and are. My college roommate gave me her copy of ‘Lord of the Rings,’ and I read that probably five or six times – not because I think it’s the greatest thing ever written, though some people certainly think it is – but the world he creates is so vivid. So real that he designed its own languages, history and mythology.
Matthew Hussey Commitment phobes will be scared of making plans for the next weekend, let alone six months from now! – Matthew Hussey
Jonny Greenwood I don’t mind when people are telling me about their 1971 Firebird, but it’s the same thing as people telling me about their car or something. It’s fine if you have an interest. By talking with me, though, you could be interviewing a novelist about guitars. It’s the same thing, except I don’t write that well either. – Jonny Greenwood
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