Joe R Lansdale I never felt poor. Our family euphemism was that we were broke, which I think psychologically gave you a different feeling. There were people far worse than we were. – Joe R Lansdale Broke Quotes Euphemism Quotes Family Quotes Feeling Quotes People Quotes Poor Quotes Psychologically Quotes Worse Quotes I was born in the ’50s – 1951. So I grew up during that part of the ’50s when everything was supposed to be at its best in America, they claimed, and then eased into the ’60s.
Mike Johnson We can’t allow a long-cherished tradition to go by the wayside because of political correctness. – Mike Johnson
Bernie Sanders In my view, a corporation is not a person. A corporation does not have First Amendment rights to spend as much money as it wants, without disclosure, on a political campaign. – Bernie Sanders
John W Thompson Right now we have a closure rate between discovery and exploitation of four to six months. We need to be more in the realm of seven to 10 days. That is an enormous challenge. – John W Thompson
Kathryn Minshew I didn’t even know that there was a startup culture, that there were events with people who built businesses. When I started meeting those people and going in to that world, I felt like I was among my people for the first time in my life. – Kathryn Minshew
Jim Woodring It’s funny, in some of the interviews I’ve seen that were done for the film, some people say things like, ‘Oh, I was never a very big Jim Woodring fan. I’ve never thought his work was that great.’ – Jim Woodring
Seinabo Sey It’s so crazy to see people singing along to songs that aren’t even released yet. I’m like, ‘How do you even know the lyrics? Have you been watching YouTube?’ – Seinabo Sey
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