Ieva Laguna I never forbid myself anything. – Ieva Laguna Forbid Quotes I like to think of myself as classy.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Some social scientists say that in-group/out-group biases are hard-wired into the human brain. Even without overt prejudice, it is cognitively convenient for people to sort items into categories and respond based on what is usually associated with those categories: a form of statistical discrimination, playing the odds. – Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Spike Jonze I’ll still make movies for studios, but my editing process will be much further removed from the studio system. Because I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the whole testing-numbers thing. It is not how I want to make movies. So if that’s how they do it, then I don’t think I want to do it. – Spike Jonze
Nikolai GogolRespect We ought to thank God for that. Yes, the man who tills the land is more worthy of respect than any. – Nikolai Gogol
Ludwig van BeethovenMusic Tones sound, and roar and storm about me until I have set them down in notes. – Ludwig van Beethoven
Ron Chernow A lot of the money in the stock market is really our national retirement plan, for better or worse. – Ron Chernow
Erling Haaland Of course, my life has changed a lot. There are some things that are no longer possible, especially in public. – Erling Haaland
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