John Hurt I never had any ambition to be a star, or whatever it is called, and I’m still embarrassed at the word. – John Hurt Ambition Quotes Called Quotes Embarrassed Quotes Star Quotes Word Quotes As Beckett said, it’s not enough to die, one has to be forgotten as well. It would be difficult to have any unfulfilled ambitions because I don’t have any ambitions. I’ve never been that kind of performer.
Dana Carvey I have this dream life where I get to be a celebrity but I get to navigate the world fairly easily because I’m always in character. – Dana Carvey
Hannah Cowley Every body about me seem’d happy but every body seem’d in a hurry to be happy somewhere else. – Hannah Cowley
Diane Paulus In Elizabethan England or classical Athens… theater was at the center of, not culture, but society and politics and religion and civic engagement. Those things have a different audience. – Diane Paulus
Allan Holdsworth I’m a very tough critic of my guitar-playing. Sometimes I don’t even want to do it anymore. – Allan Holdsworth
Margaret Cuomo Surprisingly, the United States lacks federal legislation to protect consumers from an abundance of harmful chemicals in everyday products. – Margaret Cuomo
Harmony Korine I had a guidance counsellor who made me take an aptitude test, and told me I should be a bricklayer. – Harmony Korine
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