Molly IvinsPolitics I never saw anything funnier than Texas politics. – Molly Ivins Funnier Quotes Politics Quotes Texas Quotes What we call politics now and what most political writers write about is the empathy and the bonding and the word choice and the horse rights, and it has nothing to do with what’s really happening to people’s lives. I think to be in politics you have to have the taste for blood on that.
B J Novak The Office’ is less a comedy than so many other ‘comedies’ that have been on the air. It’s really about the balance between what is real and what is comic. – B J Novak
James Corden Look at bread, and see it as a Dairy Milk Cadbury’s chocolate bar, and say to yourself, ‘OK, you don’t need that.’ Bread is bad. – James Corden
Graydon Carter My hunch is that pop culture began to stagnate the moment Americans started to love the past more than they did the future. – Graydon Carter
Gretchen Carlson Once I turned 40, I stopped giving a rip about my detractors, the people who say nasty things. It’s more candid and honest than it would have been. I share my failures, which is important. – Gretchen Carlson
Lyle Lovett I’ve always thought that writing isn’t really that hard. It’s having a good idea that’s hard. – Lyle Lovett
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