Fabio Cannavaro I never saw Pele, but I watched Maradona, for seven years I saw every game. He’s not one of the best, he’s the best. – Fabio Cannavaro Game Quotes Maradona Quotes Pele Quotes Watched Quotes A compact defense has always been the basis of Italy’s team. I respect Messi a lot.
Angela Stanton-King I would have to thank my godmother, Dr. Alveda King for exposing the racism behind abortion and fighting hard to not only defund Planned Parenthood but to overturn Roe v. Wade which is responsible for ending nearly 20 million Black lives. – Angela Stanton-King
Don Felder I especially enjoyed some of the old hairstyles, with my hair down to my shoulders and a beard. And Henley’s nickname used to be ‘Furry Basketball’ because he had that fro. It was fun to just look at what was going on in that era and how we presented ourselves on stage. – Don Felder
Adam Scott I like to improvise; I think it’s just a healthy thing to do, to keep everything loose and fun. – Adam Scott
Don Lemon More often than not, we think of ourselves as black, white, Asian, or Hispanic pretty much in this country, but the real America is much more than that. – Don Lemon
Max Heindel We read that Adam and Methuselah lived so many centuries; at that time, it was the custom to marry in the family – marry as closely as possible – so that the tie of blood might be as strong as it could be made. – Max Heindel
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