Frank Oz I never wanted to be a puppeteer. I stopped puppeteering when I was about 18. I puppeteered when I was eleven years old to 18 to make extra money to go to Europe, which I made half of and my parents gave me half. – Frank Oz Europe Quotes Extra Quotes Money Quotes Parents Quotes Puppeteer Quotes Puppeteered Quotes Puppeteering Quotes Stopped Quotes I wouldn’t like to be that famous, I value my privacy. Mind you, Miss Piggy enjoys every moment of it. If it were not for me, she would spend all her time in the limelight. I’ve rewritten a lot of the scripts I’ve done. ‘Little Shop Of Horrors’ was a complete rewrite, but I didn’t touch the dialogue. Essentially, I’m a very good editor.
Charlie Baker Expanding Massachusetts’ developing gaming industry to include wagering on professional sports is an opportunity for Massachusetts to invest in local aid while remaining competitive with many other states pursuing similar regulations. – Charlie Baker
Pedro Pierluisi Puerto Rico has two divergent paths forward. After a reasonable transition period, it could become a state. Or it can become a sovereign nation. – Pedro Pierluisi
Tavon AustinThankful One thing I can say is I’m thankful. It’s been a long road for me through my injuries. – Tavon Austin
Sheryl Sandberg I want to tell any young girl out there who’s a geek, I was a really serious geek in high school. It works out. Study harder. – Sheryl Sandberg
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