Jack Vance I never worked in an office in my life. – Jack Vance Life Quotes Office Quotes I never made lots of money at it, but I sold enough. I thought that automobiles were going to have mufflers and go fast and airplanes were going to fly fast.
Bryce HarperGood Staying healthy puts good numbers up. If you stay healthy and try to do the things that you can to win ballgames and do what you can for your team, that’s all that matters. – Bryce Harper
PoetryRupi Kaur I would give anything to sing like Beyonce or Adele. I’ve said many times to my friends that if I could sing like them, I would give up poetry and writing. – Rupi Kaur
Doris Day If I’d find a dog, I’d try to find the owner, of course, but it was mine! I just can’t live without them; I love them so much. I have cats, too. People call me all the time and say, ‘We know of a couple of cats people don’t care for,’ and I say, ‘Bring them!’ That’s it – two words. I’m always open for that. – Doris Day
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