Jim Carroll I once said a poet has the right to sing as loudly and vocally as he wants to. Most poets should face a rock n’ roll audience for one night to keep them honest. – Jim Carroll Audience Quotes Honest Quotes Loudly Quotes Night Quotes Poet Quotes Poets Quotes Rock Quotes Roll Quotes Sing Quotes Vocally Quotes I can’t sing that well, but when punk-rock came along, it changed all that. I love kids that come to shows, little kids coming up to you with braces; like, some kid came up to me in a parking lot outside a show in Santa Cruz – he was about 14 or 15 – and he said, ‘Y’know, I love ‘The Basketball Diaries,’ but I hope your next book of poetry isn’t gonna be as academic as ‘Living at the Movies’ was.’
Lindsey Morgan The problem with Raven is that she’s so smart, so sometimes it’s hard for her to be hopeful or idealistic, because she’s so realistic. So even if she’s working on a solution, she’s not proud of it until it’s concrete. – Lindsey Morgan
Big Narstie Especially in our industry, everything is so prim and proper; you’ll never really see anyone show their sad side, because everyone wants to be perfect. – Big Narstie
Chloe Sevigny There’s this index that tallies up how much your movies have made, and if they haven’t grossed a certain amount, then you’re not bankable. I know I’m not Will Smith but, you know, my ranking’s pretty low. The only studio picture I’ve done is ‘Zodiac,’ and that didn’t perform that well. – Chloe Sevigny
Helen Mirren I am not too keen on my nose, I don’t like my knees, I hate my ankles, I am unsure about my behind, I don’t like my legs at all. I am not too sure about my chin, my forehead is a bit dodgy. But, overall, I can live with it. – Helen Mirren
Rick Scott General revenue – what taxpayers are willing to give government, what they think is fair to give government – is not going to grow at the same amount that the federal government basically forces us to spend on Medicaid. – Rick Scott
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