David Liss I once spent a spent a summer selling encyclopedias door to door. – David Liss Door Quotes Encyclopedias Quotes Selling Quotes Spent Quotes Summer Quotes I don’t generally listen to music while working, but sometimes music can help me get past minor writer’s block. I lived in Atlanta for a couple of years while getting my masters at Georgia State. I thought I hated it at the time, but I’ve been back a couple of times since, and there’s no place I’ve lived to which returning is so much like visiting a place I only remember from my dreams.
Stephen Chbosky As people get older, we all know, you get married and you have a child and that becomes your family, but when you’re 16 years old, especially, your family is your friends. – Stephen Chbosky
David Nicholls For the best part of my childhood I visited the local library three or four times a week, hunching in the stacks on a foam rubber stool and devouring children’s fiction, classics, salacious thrillers, horror and sci-fi, books about cinema and origami and natural history, to the point where my parents encouraged me to read a little less. – David Nicholls
Philip Gilbert Hamerton Have you ever observed that we pay much more attention to a wise passage when it is quoted than when we read it in the original author? – Philip Gilbert Hamerton
Hugh Prather Discouragement, if pursued, is the exercise of an option: to turn from creative to noncreative mental activity, to turn from what is present to what is over, to turn from that which builds to that which destroys. – Hugh Prather
Brian Sutton-Smith For decades, there has been this assumption that children played and adults didn’t. That’s rubbish. – Brian Sutton-Smith
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