Nick Bostrom I personally don’t think of myself as either an optimist or a pessimist. – Nick Bostrom Optimist Quotes Personally Quotes Pessimist Quotes Discovering traces of life on Mars would be of tremendous scientific significance: The first time that any signs of extraterrestrial life had ever been detected. Many people would also find it heartening to learn that we’re not entirely alone in this vast, cold cosmos. There are some problems that technology can’t solve.
Richard Ojeda The coal miners are working. But there’s more than just coal miners in West Virginia. – Richard Ojeda
C V Raman A voyage to Europe in the summer of 1921 gave me the first opportunity of observing the wonderful blue opalescence of the Mediterranean Sea. It seemed not unlikely that the phenomenon owed its origin to the scattering of sunlight by the molecules of the water. – C V Raman
Seymour Cassel I’ve had people ask me to come and work for them. I went to Vienna and did three scenes in a movie for a guy that I met at a retrospective of Cassavetes films. It’s a great way to travel, to meet people, to see different countries and cultures. – Seymour Cassel
Dwight Gayle Obviously, Mitro and I both wanted the number 9 shirt, so the manager said that a shooting competition was the easiest way to decide it. But then, before we went out to training, Mitro just said ‘here, Dwight, you have it’. That was it, really. It was a really nice gesture – very mature of him – and it was a sign of togetherness. – Dwight Gayle
Sudha Chandran As an actor you should be able to store and recollect your experiences and work on them as an actor as and when required. – Sudha Chandran
Jane Leavy For Mantle, the Yankees’ locker room was a sanctuary, a safe haven where he was understood, accepted and, when necessary, exonerated. – Jane Leavy
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