Man Ray I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint, the things which already have an existence. – Man Ray Existence Quotes Paint Quotes Photograph Quotes One of the satisfactions of a genius is his will-power and obstinacy. All critics should be assassinated.
Carly Fiorina I’m happy to tell you that having been through surgery and chemotherapy and radiation, breast cancer is officially behind me. I feel absolutely great and I am raring to go. – Carly Fiorina
Alan Ball I’m from the South, so while I personally find it impossible to live there, I still have a fondness for it as a geographical region. – Alan Ball
Alan RickmanFuture It would be wonderful to think that the future is unknown and sort of surprising. – Alan Rickman
Alan Colmes The National Rifle Association has an extensive enemies list, and I am, frankly, insulted that I am not on it. – Alan Colmes
Lizz Wright I’ve always been genuinely interested in the spirit world. I’ve seen things I will never talk about because I’d be a fool to. You can’t lay out that world in words. – Lizz Wright
Karen Carney A woman in my local area decided to put on an opportunity for girls to come and play football for £2 each Sunday. That’s how I started. – Karen Carney
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