Gail Bradbrook I planted trees but the idea that you can offset carbon is nonsense – planting trees is more a way of acknowledging harm and apologising. – Gail Bradbrook Acknowledging Quotes Apologising Quotes Carbon Quotes Harm Quotes Idea Quotes Nonsense Quotes Offset Quotes Planted Quotes Planting Quotes Trees Quotes My dad was a miner at South Kirkby colliery. He went on strike but he didn’t go to the picket line, he just put his feet up and got in my mum’s way. We’ve been at war with nature. Now we need to apologize and clean up.
Patricia Hewitt The accusation that we’ve lost our soul resonates with a very modern concern about authenticity. – Patricia Hewitt
Mary Beard I have always thought the women’s movement traded too much on outrage and not enough on ridicule. – Mary Beard
Mike Patton The only way I can make sense of my music is to compartmentalize it as opposed to having one band that I have to throw everything into. For me, it’s just more fun and more challenging to create little worlds where a song or a piece can make sense. – Mike Patton
FunnyPete DavidsonSad Things that I feel really sad about, I talk about. That way, if it’s funny, it doesn’t hurt anymore. – Pete Davidson
Robin Van Persie When I look at a football pitch, I suppose, yes, I see it as my canvas. I see solutions, possibilities, the space to express myself. I am always looking for ways to be creative, to gain an edge. – Robin Van Persie
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