Monica Vitti I played at being someone else in movies and live theater, and at being myself in life’s most intense, fascinating game – the game of love. – Monica Vitti Fascinating Quotes Game Quotes Intense Quotes Lifes Quotes Live Quotes Love Quotes Movies Quotes Played Quotes Theater Quotes I had very strict parents. My two brothers were power and freedom. I was powerlessness and seclusion. I adore gelato; it’s a pleasure I shared for years with my friend Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
James Dobson If traditional marriage is not the law of the land, the institution of the family will cease to exist. – James Dobson
ChanceJimmy Johnson Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great? – Jimmy Johnson
Craig T Nelson The super power that I would choose would be compassion. Because that’s what I think it takes to make it through life-an understanding, a give and take. It saves an awful lot of resentment. – Craig T Nelson
David Wagner You definitely need the right balance. You need players who are technically strong, but also tactically aware players, fighters, creative players. You need big players as well as agile ones. – David Wagner
Rahm Emanuel There are too many senior citizens and good residents in Chicago who are sick and tired of having to walk several blocks out of their way when they leave their homes just to avoid the gangs and drug dealers on the street corner. – Rahm Emanuel
Robert Bilott I’m not stupid, and the people around me aren’t stupid. You can’t ignore the economic realities of the ways that business is run and the way clients think. – Robert Bilott
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