Martine Syms I played sports growing up, and I worked out a lot. Then, when I moved back to L.A., I just fell off everything. – Martine Syms Fell Quotes Growing Quotes Lot Quotes Moved Quotes Played Quotes Sports Quotes There’s no reason to be ashamed of feeling good. Representation is a sort of surveillance.
Jacques d'Amboise If I had to reflect on the finest classical male ballet dancers of my time, Vladimir Vasiliev of the Bolshoi and the Danish dancer Eric Bruhn were, I feel, without peer. – Jacques d’Amboise
Chieh Huang Every person who starts at Boxed does shifts at the fulfillment center. It doesn’t matter if you are the general counsel or the COO. – Chieh Huang
Roy Wood When we were first started we were doing a lot of Motown stuff, but actually playing it more in a rock way. Everybody in the band sang and we did a lot of harmonies. – Roy Wood
Joshua Rosenthal When I check in with people three or six months after a fast, a lot of them have gone back to their former eating habits, in some cases to worse. – Joshua Rosenthal
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