Jane Byrne I pledge tonight to be Mayor for all of the people of this city – for one Chicago. – Jane Byrne Chicago Quotes City Quotes Mayor Quotes People Quotes Pledge Quotes Tonight Quotes The people of Chicago are a proud people – and for good reason. I am a Democrat. I have been one all of my life.
Bill O'ReillyParenting Sociologists well understand that chaos at home causes violent behavior, educational failure and social alienation among children. Yet, many of us in America stay far, far away from this topic. That in itself is a national scandal. Bad parenting is gravely harming this nation. – Bill O’Reilly
David James You get footballers in adverts lying through their teeth to say that their boot is the best ever. And all the kids, including mine, believe them. – David James
Alejandro Mayorkas We are seeing expressions of violent extremism born of false ideologies, false narratives, ideologies of hate, and we are seeing the potential connectivity to violence which is where we step in. – Alejandro Mayorkas
Donald Sterling What am I, a Frankenstein? What am I, some kind of an ogre? I’m a good person; I’m a warm person. – Donald Sterling
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