Joanna Trollope I plot the first 5 or 6 chapters quite minutely, and also the end. So I know where I am going but not how I’m going to get there, which gives characters the chance to develop organically, as happens in real life as you get to know a person. – Joanna Trollope Chance Quotes Chapters Quotes Characters Quotes Develop Quotes Life Quotes Minutely Quotes Organically Quotes Person Quotes Plot Quotes Real Quotes I’ve experienced huge kindness here, a great welcome and some very generous reviews without the snide social edge I often suffer from at home. I’m not patronized here either, which I much appreciate! I don’t always set stories in villages, more often in towns. But always in smallish communities because the characters’ actions are more visible there, and the dramatic tension is heightened.
Christopher Timothy I was born in Bala, North Wales, and was sent to a private tutor. I seem to remember walking to the tutor by myself at the age of four – and sometimes going into a church school on the way and being allowed to stay until someone noticed. – Christopher Timothy
Richard Axel In humans, smell is often viewed as an aesthetic sense, as a sense capable of eliciting enduring thoughts and memories. Smell, however, is the primal sense. It is the sense that affords most organisms the ability to detect food, predators, and mates. – Richard Axel
BirthdayJacob Latimore I’m really not the party type. I more like to have friends over at the house and chill. I’ve never been the super party type. But for the 18th birthday, you got to party. And then 21 is going to be even bigger. – Jacob Latimore
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