Doug Liman I populated ‘The Bourne Identity’ with real characters from American history, specifically characters from the Iran-Contra affair, which my father ran the investigation of. But at the heart of it was a fictional character. – Doug Liman Affair Quotes American Quotes Bourne Quotes Character Quotes Characters Quotes Father Quotes Fictional Quotes Heart Quotes History Quotes Identity Quotes Investigation Quotes Irancontra Quotes Populated Quotes Real Quotes I started my career wanting to make a ‘James Bond’ movie, and I couldn’t get hired! I made ‘The Bourne Identity,’ and ultimately the impact of that film was that it changed the ‘James Bond’ franchise. The more real I got on ‘The Bourne Identity,’ the more interesting it got. So ‘Fair Game’ was the chance to go a few more steps in that direction. In fact, I discovered this whole other world that I had ignored in the ‘Bourne’ franchise, which is the domestic life of a spy, and how you make the two halves of your life coexist.
Daniel Goldstein Psychology, unlike chemistry, unlike algebra, unlike literature, is an owner’s manual for your own mind. It’s a guide to life. What could be more important than grounding young people in the scientific information that they need to live happy, healthy, productive lives? To have good relationships? – Daniel Goldstein
Aaron Judge When I’m lifting heavy, doing squats, and doing upper-body workouts, it’s mostly about core and stability. But I’ll still do deadlifts. I also do tire workouts with these big 600-pound tires, flipping them and stuff like that. – Aaron Judge
Nicki Minaj I want people – especially young girls – to know that in life, nothing is going to be based on sex appeal. You’ve got to have something else to go with that. – Nicki Minaj
Rosalynn Carter You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. – Rosalynn Carter
Mary Beard What politicians do is they never get the rhetoric wrong, and the price they pay is they don’t speak the truth as they see it. Now, I will speak truth as I see it, and sometimes I don’t get the rhetoric right. I think that’s a fair trade-off. – Mary Beard
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