Jonita Gandhi I posted my first video simply because YouTube was the new fun exciting thing and I had absolutely zero idea about its potentials. – Jonita Gandhi Absolutely Quotes Exciting Quotes Fun Quotes Idea Quotes Posted Quotes Potentials Quotes Simply Quotes Video Quotes Youtube Quotes I used to watch these home videos people were putting up and thought to myself that oh this is pretty cool! So I shot some random selfie videos in my basement and posted them. I’m one of those people who ‘made it’ as a result of posting videos on YouTube. It takes a lot of work to put together your resources to work on your channel.
Danny Brown I think me leaving Detroit shaped my style. Me leaving, going to New York, going to L.A. and seeing what they were doing there. I think that inspired me more than what people were doing back home. – Danny Brown
Jerome Bettis At no point did I ever think that I had the ability to get to the Hall of Fame. – Jerome Bettis
Bar Refaeli My make-up artist, she uses bronzer on the eyelids too. And also a little bit on the forehead to make everything look even. – Bar Refaeli
Judith Butler Cameras help to minimize collateral damage, and very often, without a camera a missile cannot fire. Certainly, without a camera a drone can’t function, which means that the very ways in which we wage war are determined in part by how cameras work and whether they work at all. – Judith Butler
P J O'Rourke The Clinton administration launched an attack on people in Texas because those people were religious nuts with guns. Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts with guns. Who does Bill Clinton think stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock? – P J O’Rourke
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