Billy Burke I read bits and pieces of ‘Twilight’ as we were making it. – Billy Burke Bits Quotes Pieces Quotes Read Quotes Twilight Quotes I am not a big reader to begin with. The end of times has always been a fascination. But post 9/11, pretty much everybody will admit to having it on their minds more frequently than when they were a kid.
Chaske Spencer It’s really surprising that what you put on paper, people will believe. – Chaske Spencer
Helen Reddy I thought Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying was one of the biggest pieces of crap that I’ve ever read in my life. – Helen Reddy
ChristmasLeonard Maltin I think the people who are making Christmas-themed movies today feel that people are more cynical about Christmas. There’s more of an edge. – Leonard Maltin
Chiaki Kuriyama I didn’t understand the American fascination with the Japanese schoolgirl. No, I don’t think I can, really. – Chiaki Kuriyama
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