Gary Coleman I read Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Reader’s Digest… I read some responsible journalism, and from that, I form my own opinions. I also happen to be intelligent, and I question everything. – Gary Coleman Digest Quotes Form Quotes Happen Quotes Intelligent Quotes Journalism Quotes Mechanics Quotes Opinions Quotes Popular Quotes Question Quotes Read Quotes Readers Quotes Responsible Quotes Science Quotes I don’t have any friends and don’t have any intention of making any. People will stab you in the back, mistreat you, talk about me behind your back, steal from you. And they’re not really your friends. They’re only there because you’re a celebrity or because they want to get something from you. I parody myself every chance I get. I try to make fun of myself and let people know that I’m a human being, and these things that have happened to me are real. I’m not just some cartoon who exists and suddenly doesn’t exist.
Gina Torres My view of myself doesn’t change. I know who I am. I’m Cuban American; both my parents are Cuban – one was a little browner than the other one. That’s who I am. I feel sorry that it’s taken so long for the film industry to figure it out and to catch up. – Gina Torres
CarFutureJean-Michel Jarre We have lost our vision for the future. Before, we say, ‘Nothing will be the same. Cars will fly, and we go to the end of the universe.’ We have this kind of naive but exciting idea of the future. Now, the vision has been reduced to ways to select our garbage and how to survive global warming. – Jean-Michel Jarre
Roy Jones Jr When me and Mike Tyson were around, we played king of the hill. Whoever comes to the hill, you get your behind whooped. We don’t pick and choose. I fought guys when I had fractured wrists and ribs, bad backs, I didn’t care. I was the king of the hill; Tyson was king of the hill. When we left, people were trying to get the ‘most money fight.’ – Roy Jones Jr
Jackie Stewart When there is an accident involving fire, in most cases death is caused by the inhalation of the toxic smoke. What we need is air to go to a driver for 45 seconds. I’m surprised that this is not done, and I would make it compulsory. – Jackie Stewart
Imran TahirSmile I always come on the ground with a smile on the face, but inside, I’m always ready to fight and try to give as much as I can. – Imran Tahir
Jamie Vardy People keep asking me if I’m watching our rivals’ games in the Premier League, but I’m usually on my PlayStation. If I had been watching, it would have been on an illegal stream, so I don’t even know why they are asking me. – Jamie Vardy
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