Big Daddy Kane I realized pretty much everything I did wrong with ‘Long Live the Kane’ and went right back in and did ‘It’s a Big Daddy Thing,’ because now I had a more universal approach. – Big Daddy Kane Approach Quotes Daddy Quotes Kane Quotes Live Quotes Pretty Quotes Realized Quotes Universal Quotes Wrong Quotes Early on I was a fan of Grandmaster Caz of the Cold Crush Brothers. I liked the way that he used a bunch of words to rhyme together in one line. And I picked up sarcasm by watching the older cats at the barbershop. They were just out there talking and saying slick lines to one another. I also got inspiration from Smokey Robinson. I think ‘Long Live the Kane’ was pretty much a real boxed-in mindset with me just doing what I represented in the hood.
Billy Crudup My parents were really encouraging. But I had to teach them the proper way you respond to an actor after seeing a play – regardless of whether you like their performance you tell them how great they are because they have to go on again the next night. – Billy Crudup
BirthdayMary Gauthier I spent my 18th birthday in jail. Charges were dropped as long as I promised never to return to the state of Kansas. My parents took me home to Louisiana. I lasted there a week. Then I ran away. – Mary Gauthier
Anna Gunn When I was 15 and had the light bulb moment I wanted to be an actor, it was my sole focus and goal, and I went after it with determination. – Anna Gunn
Mark Fisher Capitalism does not require us to hold a particular set of cognitive beliefs; it only requires that we act as if certain beliefs (about money, commodities etc) are true. The rituals are the beliefs, beliefs which, at the level of subjective self-description, may well be disavowed. – Mark Fisher
DanTDM If I wanted to show family or friends content that had loads of cursing in it, I wouldn’t be as proud of that. – DanTDM
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