Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters I realized that women that stand together and take hands can be unbreakable. – Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Hands Quotes Realized Quotes Stand Quotes Unbreakable Quotes Women Quotes I’ve heard many women say that they were afraid to come out or they were too ashamed to talk about it because they thought it was something they had done to promote the man to sexually harass them – and that is not the case. A woman should be allowed to be whoever and whatever she wants to be and she should be respected for that.
James Stephens Women and birds are able to see without turning their heads, and that is indeed a necessary provision for they are both surrounded by enemies. – James Stephens
Eric Goode I knew a notorious reptile dealer who would send me animals for Area. I regret that. I mean, the landlord had wolves and an arctic fox upstairs and quite possibly a tiger. – Eric Goode
Michael Dirda Not all of E. Nesbit’s children’s books are fantasies, but even the most realistic somehow seem magical. In her holiday world, nobody ever goes to school, though all the kids know their English history, Greek myths, and classic tales of derring-do. – Michael Dirda
Jean Giraudoux The older we women grow, the more clearly we see what men really are: hypocrites, boasters, he-goats. The older men grow, the more they doll us up with every perfection. – Jean Giraudoux
Ruben Diaz Sr I do like Donald Trump. He’s like me, making enemies everywhere he goes. – Ruben Diaz Sr
Paul P Harris The less one knows, the more he thinks he knows, and the more willing he is to employ any and all measures to enforce his views upon others. – Paul P Harris
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