Naveen Patnaik I really don’t think of power. I think more of service to the people of my state. – Naveen Patnaik People Quotes Power Quotes Service Quotes The opposition leaders are opportunistic seasonal birds. Where were they when Cyclone Phailin, Hudhud, Titli, and even drought hit Odisha? Now it’s election time, they are swarming Odisha to seek votes. Personally, I have never considered myself corrupt or seen the need to be so. People are judged as what they are perceived to be.
Michael Che To deliver something deadpan is very difficult; I don’t think people know how hard those jokes are. – Michael Che
R Madhavan I have always acted in films where women have an equal, if not bigger, role than mine. Don’t the kind of films you do reflect your personality? – R Madhavan
Bill Parcells No matter how much you’ve won, no matter how many games, no matter how many championships, no matter how many Super Bowls, you’re not winning now, so you stink. – Bill Parcells
Rebecca Front As a feminist, I don’t like the notion that women have to look a certain way: I think confidence is the most attractive thing. – Rebecca Front
Donald Ray Pollock If the story wasn’t overly long, I’d type it out. And I’d carry it around with me for a week and jot notes on it, and then I’d throw it away and do another one. – Donald Ray Pollock
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