Andy Dick I really have to edit myself – I need someone with a censor button around me all the time. I’m just a little unaware of what’s deemed appropriate. – Andy Dick Button Quotes Censor Quotes Deemed Quotes Edit Quotes Time Quotes Unaware Quotes I say, ‘I’m bi, my love knows no gender,’ and the straight community says, ‘Oh right, that’s just a cover-up – you’re gay!’ And the gay community says, ‘Yeah right, that’s just a cover-up – you’re gay.’ They both want to push me gay. I definitely know that I play the part, however big or small, in the deaths of at least two people, Chris Farley and Phil Hartmann.
Brandon Webb Bad people will find a way to do harm, whether it’s homemade explosives, illegal weapons, or flying planes into buildings. Restricting law-abiding citizens’ right to bear arms is not the answer. – Brandon Webb
Jim Henson It’s into the same bag as E.T. and Yoda, wherein you’re trying to create something that people will actually believe, but it’s not so much a symbol of the thing, but you’re trying to do the thing itself. – Jim Henson
Antonio Conte Every game, I have to make the best decision. I repeat: my players must be happy to stay in Chelsea and to play for Chelsea and to play for our fans. They must be happy if they start the game or if they stay on the bench and come on. – Antonio Conte
Bruce Rauner If yelling and threatening, intimidating and chanting solved problems, Illinois wouldn’t have any problems. We’re good at that stuff. – Bruce Rauner
Carroll Quigley Once again the mastermind was Lionel Curtis, and the earlier Round Table Groups and Institutes of International Affairs were used as nuclei for the new network. – Carroll Quigley
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