Robert Wyatt I really liked them, not just Syd, but all of them. Roger was very important, I thought, his contribution. And so was Rick’s organ playing. It was a good band. It became something else completely, obviously. – Robert Wyatt Band Quotes Completely Quotes Contribution Quotes Organ Quotes Playing Quotes Ricks Quotes Roger Quotes Syd Quotes I play music a lot but on my own mostly, so it was nice to be around other people. There was a certain sense a relief in the physical act of just playing and being with other musicians. This constant pressure from record companies to come up with a hit single or something like that, I find completely tiresome.
Jodi Picoult When I think about writers who use fiction as social commentary and to raise social awareness but who are also very popular, I think of Dickens. – Jodi Picoult
David GregoryFailure One thing I do believe is I’m a believer in the presence of God. I believe that God is close. Whether it’s in joy, pain or personal failure, I believe that God is close. That much I feel in my life. – David Gregory
Mithila Palkar Even when I was starting out, I knew there were certain things that I didn’t want to do or wanted to do. – Mithila Palkar
Coco GauffDreams Always dream big, and don’t let anyone limit your dreams because the possibilities are endless. – Coco Gauff
Lucy Larcom It is one of the most beautiful facts in this human existence of ours, that we remember the earliest and freshest part of it most vividly. Doubtless it was meant that our childhood should live on in us forever. – Lucy Larcom
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