CarEvel KnievelIndependence I really think we should pass a law in every state, I don’t care whether it takes the independence away from an old person or not. You shouldn’t be driving a car if you’re over the age of 80. Maybe even less than that. – Evel Knievel Age Quotes Car Quotes Care Quotes Driving Quotes Evel Knievel Quotes Independence Quotes Law Quotes Pass Quotes Person Quotes Takes Quotes The fact is that a car used by Gerry Adams and myself during the course of the Mitchell review was bugged by elements within British military intelligence. I tell you what, if you live in Spokane, I hope you wake up every day and you’re thankful for the weather, for the trees, for the colors, for the greenery, for cars that stop when you’re running and you go to cross the road and they stop. I love it.
Ben Dolnick I know very well that to admit to loving Bright Eyes is to admit to having an overgrown brain region devoted to self-pity, sentimentality, regret, and a handful of other not very appealing emotional states. – Ben Dolnick
Jada Pinkett Smith At 3 years old, I was telling people that I was going to be a star. I never had a plan B. And I’ve never compromised my integrity to get what I have. – Jada Pinkett Smith
Leo BuscagliaLifePowerSmile Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. – Leo Buscaglia
David WalliamsFamous I know somebody from university who’s called Phil Collins, and I think there’s something terribly unfortunate about sharing a name with somebody who either is famous or becomes famous. – David Walliams
Craig Mazin Comedians who aren’t screenwriters are telling jokes that they themselves think are funny. They’re expressing their own view of what they think funny is. – Craig Mazin
Jess Phillips As a woman, I don’t trust Boris Johnson with my rights and that’s largely because of the things that he has said and done in his political life. – Jess Phillips
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