Fisher Stevens I really wanted to be born a woman. It all started there. A South American woman. And I’m upset that I was born a white Jewish male. I’ve been angry since. – Fisher Stevens American Quotes Angry Quotes Born Quotes Jewish Quotes Male Quotes South Quotes Started Quotes Upset Quotes White Quotes Woman Quotes And TV is not the easiest place to be dangerous or on the edge. Especially on a Saturday night. No, but I’m really lucky, because I’m not the superhero.
Raquel Pennington Everyone wants to get to the top, and I think every female fighter brings something different to the table. You have to face a new challenge every single time. – Raquel Pennington
Arlen Specter Beating the tea party gang is more important than who does the beating. – Arlen Specter
Ron DeSantis If you want to look right now under Obama who our enemies are, just look at who he is nice to. – Ron DeSantis
FaithFutureHopeJacques Yves Cousteau If we were logical, the future would be bleak, indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work. – Jacques Yves Cousteau
Niklas Zennstrom The next Google or Facebook will come from somewhere other than Silicon Valley. – Niklas Zennstrom
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