John Eaton I really write for people. – John Eaton People Quotes Write Quotes It’s not important to me to found a school; it’s not important to me to have disciples. Nevertheless, one doesn’t have time to think, oh, well, this is a quarter tone sharp, or flat.
Michael Shannon One of the great things about acting is you can do things that in real life would get you in trouble. I think that’s something I figured out pretty early on. – Michael Shannon
Nancy Wake I’ve always got on very well with the French, perhaps because I’m very natural. – Nancy Wake
ExperienceIrvin D Yalom Therapists need to have a long experience in personal therapy to see what it’s like to be on the other side of the couch and see what they find helpful or not helpful. – Irvin D Yalom
ChristmasEasterRobert H Schuller I built my church on Easter services, Christmas Eve services, and Norman Vincent Peale. – Robert H Schuller
Barney Frank But on those occasions when I do strongly disagree with the Democrats and I don’t say anything, I think I forfeit my right to have people pay attention to me when I say the things that I don’t like about what Republicans are saying. – Barney Frank
Sandra Oh People ask me what I’m writing. They think I’m Sandra Tsing Loh. Or they ask about stand-up. ‘No, that’s Margaret Cho.’ I really think there is this kind of glomming, that they think we are somehow all the same person. – Sandra Oh
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