Joseph Stiglitz I recognized that information was, in many respects, like a public good, and it was this insight that made it clear to me that it was unlikely that the private market would provide efficient resource allocations whenever information was endogenous. – Joseph Stiglitz Allocations Quotes Efficient Quotes Endogenous Quotes Insight Quotes Market Quotes Private Quotes Provide Quotes Public Quotes Recognized Quotes Resource Quotes Respects Quotes I think in part the reason is that seeing an economy that is, in many ways, quite different from the one grows up in, helps crystallize issues: in one’s own environment, one takes too much for granted, without asking why things are the way they are. But individuals and firms spend an enormous amount of resources acquiring information, which affects their beliefs; and actions of others too affect their beliefs.
Arundhati Bhattacharya When there are good postings available, the people who choose who is to come to that particular position, they will always have, at the back of their minds, a fear that, ‘If I take a woman, she might prioritize her family over the job and, therefore, not be available at times when her presence is required.’ – Arundhati Bhattacharya
Amelia Barr Events that are predestined require but little management. They manage themselves. They slip into place while we sleep, and suddenly we are aware that the thing we fear to attempt, is already accomplished. – Amelia Barr
MS Dhoni In tennis ball cricket, even it’s hit from the toe of the bat, the ball still travels a lot, but in normal cricket, it has to be the middle part of the bat, so it requires a lot of work. – MS Dhoni
Jo Swinson So I hope women will consider a life in politics. We need women, you see. We need them. – Jo Swinson
Neal Asher It wasn’t until I had been writing on and off for maybe ten years that I started to establish any kind of routine, thought I couldn’t put a finger on an exact date, and this routine relates simply to the aphorism ‘How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.’ – Neal Asher
Michael Horton There are versions of the pro-gay and anti-gay agenda that assume a simplistic rather than simple understanding of the issue – at least from a biblical perspective. Reject it or embrace it: that’s the easy choice that makes for great sound-bites but ruins lives. – Michael Horton
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