Anne Stevenson I remain loyal to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert in music and to Shakespeare and Jane Austen in literature. – Anne Stevenson Austen Quotes Bach Quotes Beethoven Quotes Jane Quotes Literature Quotes Loyal Quotes Mozart Quotes Music Quotes Remain Quotes Schubert Quotes Shakespeare Quotes I work very hard on all my poems, but most of the work consists of trying not to sound as if I had worked. I try to make them sound as natural as possible, but within a quite strict form, which to my ears has a lot to do with musical rhythm and sound. I married a young Englishman in Cambridge in 1955 and have lived in Britain every since.
Abhishek Banerjee That’s the beauty of creative industry that when one thing does not pan out, you have other things to do. – Abhishek Banerjee
Pat McGrath It’s amazing to be an incubator. Many of my muses have gone on to other brands. – Pat McGrath
Hillary Scott It’s like these songs are your babies and you don’t want anybody to think your babies are ugly! You never really know until you throw it out there if it’s gonna take. – Hillary Scott
Stephen J Dubner A lot of people are scared of experimentation because they think you have to be scientists, or they’re also scared of it because it means that you have to admit that you don’t know the answer. A lot of people like to assume they know the solution to a problem when they don’t. – Stephen J Dubner
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