Helen Suzman I represent all the enlightened people in this country, and that’s a fine thing to be able to do. It infuriates my opponents when I say this, but it is true. – Helen Suzman Country Quotes Enlightened Quotes Fine Quotes Infuriates Quotes Opponents Quotes People Quotes Represent Quotes TRUE Quotes Tool of Communist agitators… it’s really a joke, isn’t it? Because, quite clearly, we are a party of real moderates. It just shows how little they understand. It is the answers, not the questions, that are embarrassing.
Adam Grant Meditation isn’t snake oil. For some people, meditation might be the most efficient way to reduce stress and cultivate mindfulness. But it isn’t a panacea. If you don’t meditate, there’s no need to stress out about it. – Adam Grant
Alan SchaafPet The reason I want to be able to teleport is that I don’t like waiting around. It’s one of my pet peeves. I also don’t like traveling, because I don’t like sitting on a plane for six hours, doing nothing, essentially wasting time. You know what would be awesome? Bam, I’m in New York. – Alan Schaaf
DreamsLaura Miller In the year since we brought things into the open with a clean breath of fresh air at City Hall, we have learned about corrupt spending practices and unethical conflicts of interest that waste your money… and keep Dallas from being the great city of our dreams. – Laura Miller
Lesley-Anne Down I personally don’t have a problem with naked bodies on television. – Lesley-Anne Down
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