Julie Wainwright I said the only way I would join Pets.com was if I could get Amazon to invest, and I did. I knew that anything that could be sourced externally, Amazon could do better and cheaper than anyone else except Walmart. It was really obvious to me. – Julie Wainwright Amazon Quotes Cheaper Quotes Externally Quotes Invest Quotes Obvious Quotes Petscom Quotes Sourced Quotes Walmart Quotes You have to have a unique product that Amazon just can’t source. It’s all about the product. Why is it important? Why is it different? Amazon are not merchants. They are technology platform guys. Whenever people think of the dot-com collapse, they think of a handful of companies that epitomized the era, and Pets.com… is always up there, right?
Douglas Kennedy Tragedy is one of the larger prices we pay for being alive. No one ever sidesteps tragedy. It is always there, shadowing us. – Douglas Kennedy
Bruno Walter By concentrating on precision, one arrives at technique, but by concentrating on technique one does not arrive at precision. – Bruno Walter
Ellen Forney Marbles’ really took so much and such a thorough effort from me that I was so happy to tie that up and have it feel satisfying. – Ellen Forney
Gary Moore The blues needs to be everything to you, otherwise it’s not going to come across. That’s what I think. – Gary Moore
Jacob Rees-Mogg Overseas investors have a choice. They can buy property, equities, bonds, or a host of other assets either in the United Kingdom or abroad. Each decision will be taken depending on the available net return, that is, the profit after tax. – Jacob Rees-Mogg
Anne-Marie DuffRomantic I am very lucky. I have known wonderful romantic love in my life but to actually see this little creature and find him to be the most beautiful creature in the world. I know all mothers and fathers feel that way. – Anne-Marie Duff
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