Charlie Sheen I saw 28 Days. I don’t remember rehab being like a day camp or being that funny. Rehab is a dumping ground. It’s a big landfill. – Charlie Sheen Camp Quotes Day Quotes Days Quotes Dumping Quotes Funny Quotes Ground Quotes Landfill Quotes Rehab Quotes Remember Quotes Sure, I did a lot of things in excess. But if you look at the core, the foundation of what I pursued, what red-blooded young American male in my position wouldn’t? I still don’t have all the answers. I’m more interested in what I can do next than what I did last.
HomeWilliam Westmoreland When the soldiers came home from Vietnam, there were no parades, no celebrations. So they built the Vietnam Memorial for themselves. – William Westmoreland
Peter Matthiessen When I’m in the field, when I’m working, I keep very careful notes. I wear big shirts with big breast pockets, and I carry in them two little spiral notebooks. – Peter Matthiessen
Richard N Haass The United States is not just another country. It has more capacity and potential to influence the world than any other country – and no other country has the resources and mindset to lead a world that is not on autopilot. – Richard N Haass
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