Sandro Veronesi I saw these new kinds of stores: the Body Shop, the Sock Shop, and I thought to myself, ‘I can do that.’ – Sandro Veronesi Body Quotes Kinds Quotes Shop Quotes Sock Quotes Stores Quotes The important thing to remember, if you are trying something that is an innovation, is not to think too much about it. Because if you take too long, by the time you get there, the world will have changed. You take a risk, and if it doesn’t work, you make a change. We are not betting our lives on it. We would go to visit a wholesaler, say in Napoli. We would go out, have a very long lunch, mozzarellas, wine. We would reach an agreement. And then the client would pay with a cheque that was postdated by six months, nine months. They were financing themselves by delaying their payments.
FamousJessica Cutler Some people with blogs are never going to get famous, and they’ve been doing it for, like, over a year. I feel bad for them. – Jessica Cutler
Prosenjit Chatterjee When people started recognising me as a ‘chocolate hero,’ I switched on to action movies and became an action star. I kept reinventing myself. it was a continuous process. – Prosenjit Chatterjee
Himesh Patel I think an office is just a microcosm of life and the different kinds of people that you will come across and interactions there, and I think if you all sit in a room together, then it gets a bit more intense and fun for people to watch, maybe. – Himesh Patel
Josh Trank I was told about ‘Misfits’ when we were in prep for ‘Chronicle’, and I wanted to watch it badly because I’m a fan of that kind of stuff. But I stopped myself because I was very careful about not getting too much contemporary influence. – Josh Trank
Gigi Gorgeous I’m really excited for the future, and I’m a very extremely creative person. – Gigi Gorgeous
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