John Fleming I see a bright, bright future for the Republican Party and conservatism in general. – John Fleming Bright Quotes Conservatism Quotes Future Quotes Party Quotes Republican Quotes I’m grateful for the many Louisianans who have urged me to challenge Senator Landrieu in 2014. Most Americans do not support amnesty, especially without securing the borders.
Christina Baker Kline I was stunned to learn that more than 200,000 abandoned, neglected, or orphaned children had been sent from the East Coast to the Midwest on trains between 1854 and 1929. – Christina Baker Kline
Scott CaanSports When I was a kid, I was always an athlete. I played a lot of sports. I played football, basketball, baseball and soccer. – Scott Caan
Joyce Maynard Nothing like being visible, publishing one’s work, and speaking openly about one’s life, to disabuse the world of the illusion of one’s perfection and purity. – Joyce Maynard
Karen Abbott By 1865, all Southern women – the happily and regrettably single, the perpetually engaged, the wives and widows – had tired of the war. The Confederacy was shrinking, and the morale of its remaining men shrinking with it. – Karen Abbott
Juno Temple That’s the great thing about the ‘Sin City’ movies. Each little slot is incredibly meaningful, and each character has their own moment. – Juno Temple
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