Kevin Nealon I see the love in my child’s eyes when he sees me, and I know it’s gigantic. As an older person, I’ve been in love before, and I’ve loved, but this is really an immense, out-of-control-proportion amount of love that you can’t even describe. – Kevin Nealon Childs Quotes Eyes Quotes Gigantic Quotes Immense Quotes Love Quotes Loved Quotes Outofcontrolproportion Quotes Person Quotes It’s kind of fun when you’re playing characters that aren’t quite on the up and up and people still like you. When I would see my friends with their kids, I was envious that you can use children to get out of just about anything. If you don’t feel like going to a dinner party, you could say, ‘My kid’s sick. I can’t make it.’ Who’s gonna argue with you?
Rick Rubin I really loved crunk. I loved the extreme nature of it, how repetitious it was, and how these basic, angry chants would just be repeated over and over again. – Rick Rubin
Rebecca Wells Flowers heal me. Tulips make me happy. I keep myself surrounded by them as soon as they start coming to the island from Canada, and after that when they come from the fields in La Connor, not far from where I live. – Rebecca Wells
Friedrich Durrenmatt The rightful claim to dissent is an existential right of the individual. – Friedrich Durrenmatt
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