Michel de MontaigneTruth I speak the truth not so much as I would, but as much as I dare, and I dare a little more as I grow older. – Michel de Montaigne Grow Quotes Speak Quotes Truth Quotes Postmodernism was a reaction to modernism. Where modernism was about objectivity, postmodernism was about subjectivity. Where modernism sought a singular truth, postmodernism sought the multiplicity of truths. In the last few years, the very idea of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is dredged up only as a final resort when the alternative options of deception, threat and bribery have all been exhausted.
Charles Henry Parkhurst The safest words are always those which bring us most directly to facts. – Charles Henry Parkhurst
Meghan Trainor When I got signed as a songwriter, I immediately thought, ‘Oh, no one sees me as an artist because I don’t look good enough.’ So I shut down the whole idea. – Meghan Trainor
Alessandro Nivola People are always going to identify with what it’s like living in society and have people judge you in certain ways, and how you can be strong enough to be your own person and all those good things. – Alessandro Nivola
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