Paul Dano I started acting pretty young, so I haven’t had too many odd jobs. But I used to sell candy out of my locker in middle school. – Paul Dano Acting Quotes Candy Quotes Jobs Quotes Locker Quotes Middle Quotes Odd Quotes Pretty Quotes School Quotes Sell Quotes Started Quotes Being actors is a strange job. One of my favorite films is ‘Dumb and Dumber.’ I’d love to do some really silly comedy someday.
Rutherford B Hayes The progress of society is mainly the improvement in the condition of the workingmen of the world. – Rutherford B Hayes
Grace Jones Growing up in Jamaica, the Pentecostal church wasn’t that fiery thing you might think. It was very British, very proper. Hymns. No dancing. Very quiet. Very fundamental. – Grace Jones
Mara Wilson Here is something no real celebrity will ever tell you: film acting is not very fun. Doing the same thing over and over again until, in the director’s eyes, you ‘get it right’ does not allow for very much creative freedom… In terms of sheer adrenaline, film has absolutely nothing on theater. – Mara Wilson
Jack Hughes Whenever we got the chance to watch a game with my dad, it was like watching video with an NHL coach. – Jack Hughes
JrRobert Downey Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real human being. That’s hard enough. – Robert Downey, Jr
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